How does Christmas inspire your writing? Does all the magic and glittering and sparkling send your mind off to magical places like the North Pole or Narnia? Or do you turn into an absolute Scrooge and all your writing turns cynical and dark, reflecting on how the world is like the dirty, crushed snow in the street gutter?
Most likely all the holidays do to your writing is taking up time and distract you from it. With family members coming in, finals just wrapping up, last minute shopping, turkeys you have to remember to get out the oven and everything else going on it may feel like there’s not extra time to even sit down much less write.
I encourage all of you to find time to write though. Sit down and just write something. I find it’s a wonderful tool for stress relief. Of course I’ve always used writing as a procrastination tool so I may not be the best person to listen to. I’m right about this however. Don’t forget to write even with all the craziness going on.
Bonus homework: Write a holiday story. Just like I talked about in the beginning, write something magical, a recapturing of your childhood or maybe something cynical reflecting the stress that suddenly appears as an adult around holidays. Or do something in between. Whatever you’re inspired to do. The important thing is just write it.
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