
Friday, September 9, 2011

Children's Stories and Friendly Monsters

Recently I’ve gotten my whole family into the wonderful, BBC show Doctor Who. The children who have more time than my parents have watched all the seasons on netflix already and my parents, who do the best they can, have just jumped in on season five and watched from there. Though when I say my whole family, it’s not quite my whole family. My seven year old sister hasn’t been allowed to watch it, as the monsters in the show scare her. And I make the argument that it’s a family show in England, the little children there watch it, they just hide behind the sofas when they get scared. My mum’s argument in return is I don’t live at home and she’s the one who has to stay up with Becca when she can’t sleep.
So how scary should children’s stories be? I am a firm believer in monsters and dragons and ghosts and Daleks in children’s stories. Having scary things in the stories teaches them that there are scary things in the world. Having a creature that is bad and has to be defeated by the hero teaches them that they have to be brave and if they are then they can over come the baddies that they will find in their real life. Having scary monsters teaches life lessons. Instead we have cartoons and movies and books where the dragons are two headed, singing bickering but overall friendly, the monsters are fuzzy and cuddly and power their worlds with children’s laughter. And children are too scared to watch what is considered a family show in which the good guy always wins.
I personally believe that there should be a shift back to when monsters are scary and our children learn at a young age to be heros.


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